Vegan Voices Norway: Emma from Tromsø

When I was living in Norway I met many amazing people. One of these people is Emma. I met her in Tromsø where she was very active, for example for the local animal welfare organisation Dyrebeskyttelsen as well as for NOAH, Norways biggest animal rights organisation. And when I asked her, if she’d like to help with a vegan bake sale and later with a presentation about veganism in Tromsø, she agreed on the spot.

Tromsø: Travelling 350 km north of the arctic circle

You decided to travel to Tromsø? Congratulations, you decided for one of the most beautiful cities in Norway! (Okay, am I allowed to say that after only visiting Oslo and Trondheim (the other places don’t count as cities)? Plus I lived in Tromsø and loved it, so I’m a bit biased =P)

Neverless, I think Tromsø is so worth a visit! Here are my top things to do there:

Vegan in Finland

Do you plan to go on holidays to beautiful Finland? But you have no idea how it looks like in Finland concerning the vegan offers?

I always feel somehow connected to Finland. I think that’s primarly caused by some friends of mine from Finland. I had some penfriends from that beautiful country when I was younger (yes, I indeed was writing letters by hand, not with the keyboard of my computer ;)). I stopped writing letters because a lack of time (and somehow also lack of motivation I guess), but I still have friends there which turned out to become not only penfriends.

Since I have been living vegan I haven’t been to Finland anymore. But I’d like to change that someday, so it’s awesome that Sarah Eleni can tell us a bit about living vegan in Finland! She did an internship in the capital Helsinki and gained some experience regarding veganism in Finland. Thank you a lot for sharing that with us Sarah :)

While I was studying in Latvia, I also had the possibility to discover the neighboring countries Estonia and Lithuania. I already introduced you to a wonderful person from Estonia: Therese. In Lithuania I met the vegan girl Rasa who definitely infects you with her laughing :) When I told her about my Vegan Voices series she agreed on the spot. Afterwards I noticed that the interview became quite long, but there are just so many interesting things she can tell about her home country, the animal rights organisation in Lithuania and about herself, so it’s so much fun to listen to her or rather read from her :)

Enjoy reading and a big thank you to Rasa :)


I always enjoy reading personal experiences, so I came up with the idea to interview other vegans and called this series Vegan Voices. I’ll interview vegans who are travelling and who can tell you about their experiences then, but also vegans who are living in other countries as they have a different view of their country. Today I’ll start with Therese.

Estonia? Where is that again? Somewhere next to Russia? – Probably most of you don’t know so much about the small country next to Russia, Latvia and Finland where they have such a complicated language. (Estonian is only related to Finnish and for us it’s a nightmare to learn the language ;)).

I got the possibility to visit that beautiful country in 2014 while I was studying in Latvia and it was a great experience. I also met Therese, an estonian vegan girl. When I told her about my Vegan Voices project she decided to take part without hesitating. And now she’ll tell you something about her country, her travels and how she became vegan.

Enjoy reading and many thanks to Therese :)