Reality Check Norway

What do you think about Norway? Maybe you’re thinking about the typical stereotypes now: cold weather, cold people, … But is it really true? While living in Norway for the past three month, I formed an opinion about the truth of some of these stereotypes :)

While I was exchange student in Latvia, I got the possibility to meet a lot of people from different countries. There was also someone fro Poland. And when she got to know about my blog and that I’m always looking for traditional recipes, she suggested instantly to cook somthing from her country.

What recipe did she suggest me? Kluski śląskie! Well, okay, I also can’t pronounce it properly ;) But it basically means potato dumplings. And while I actually have to admit that I don’t cook so much typical German stuff with my family, she told me that her mother and she do the potato dumplings every month together.