Vegan Blueberry Muffins

Blueberries, blueberries and blueberries again! I love them and at the moment I really eat them a lot. And as I love to bake, I brought you a recipe for blueberry muffins today. I enhanced it with coconut milk and coconut shreds as well as with a pinch of cardamom. Because since I got to know Korvapuusti, I started to love cardamom :)


The central market in Riga was sometimes kind of strange: For example just before I left there we’re sooooo cheap avocados and tons of it everywhere. Although it was December and obviousely avocados don’t grow in Latvia. Same with limes. But as I was walking there and seeing all these fruits, I decided to do something with them. And I ended up with creativing a delicious cashew-lime-cake :)

American Oreo Cake
Many people don’t know that Oreos are usually vegan, but yes, they are. (Just be careful about the “fake ones”, they often contain milk!). And knowing this I wanted to bake something with them. Actually I wanted to bake cupcakes, but as making cupcakes just always goes wrong (I definitely have to practise it!), I decided to go for a cake instead.
I made the cake for my flatmates and neighbours when I moved out to study in Latvia and doing that internship in Norway, so I’m always thinking of my flatmates in Germany, when I see the photo of the oreo cake once again :) Greetings to you, if anyone will read that :)