Coming Home

People write about their experiences abroad – I saw that a lot of times. But a lot of people who lived abroad just stop writing when they’re back home. Do they just continue living like before? It feels difficult for me. Probably because I always was the type of person who is not good at letting things (or people) go.

Tromsø: Travelling 350 km north of the arctic circle

You decided to travel to Tromsø? Congratulations, you decided for one of the most beautiful cities in Norway! (Okay, am I allowed to say that after only visiting Oslo and Trondheim (the other places don’t count as cities)? Plus I lived in Tromsø and loved it, so I’m a bit biased =P)

Neverless, I think Tromsø is so worth a visit! Here are my top things to do there:

Meet Norways Vegan Activist Coordinator (NOAH)

I think many passionate activists (no matter if human rights activists, animal rights activists, …) would love to work for an NGO where they can spend even more time to fight for their cause… and even get paid for it.

During my time in Tromsø I met several animal rights activists, one of them was Jeanett. Like me she also belonged to these persons who’d love to work professionally for animal rights. And guess what happened? At the end Jeanett left Tromsø even earlier than me because she got a job offer as activist coordinator from NOAH, Norways animal rights organisation. I’m really happy that she could make her dream come true and that she decided to tell us about it today :)