American Oreo Cake
Many people don’t know that Oreos are usually vegan, but yes, they are. (Just be careful about the “fake ones”, they often contain milk!). And knowing this I wanted to bake something with them. Actually I wanted to bake cupcakes, but as making cupcakes just always goes wrong (I definitely have to practise it!), I decided to go for a cake instead.
I made the cake for my flatmates and neighbours when I moved out to study in Latvia and doing that internship in Norway, so I’m always thinking of my flatmates in Germany, when I see the photo of the oreo cake once again :) Greetings to you, if anyone will read that :)

Mushroom-Lasagna! It was one of the first dishes I cooked for my blog and I still love it! Might be because I simply love mushrooms as well as lasagna. So mushroom-lasagna obviousely sounds awesome to me!

By the way did you know that there are different theories about the origin of lasagna? One theory says that it comes from an English dish called loseyns which was already mentioned in the 14th century.

Well, no matter whether the origin is Italian or English, I could eat lasagna every second day =D What about you?

Mushroom Pumpkin Frittata.

I know, I’m quite late for an autumn recipe. But maybe you still have some pumpkin at home? Then you should definitely try this recipe! It’s so easy, you don’t need much time and it’s delicious!

Before that I didn’t try too much with chickpea flour. But a friend of mine is eating glutenfree, so it came to my mind to try to prepare more dishes without gluten. One of these dishes is this one: Something italian (like to often :)). But this time exceptionally without pasta and rice, we’re doing Pumpkin-Mushroom-Frittata.

Traditionally Frittata is made of eggs and you prepare it on a pan. We don’t need a pan neither eggs :)